Hey, I'm Philipp. I work as an Interface Designer.

Haptic Portal


Haptic Portal is a remote intimacy project, connecting close friends and family through a haptic link. The project relied heavily on prototypes for communicating and validating ideas.

After an initial video prototype, I created a rough cardboard-based prototype, finishing with a polished and long lasting prototype and model. This IoT project was based on an Arduino Uno.

Interactive Triangles


Interactive Triangles is a projector based installation. The user can define an image which is stylized using triangles.

The user can then interact with the triangles using a remote multi-touch tablet interface. Utilizes Processing.



Shake to choose a pattern, switch off lights and enjoy! At Phoenix Design building a YoYo is traditionally the last project for interns.

I created a light-painting YoYo with RGB led rings and a tiny battery-based arduino completely from scratch.

Layout Invaders


I created a space invaders inspired game for Adobe InDesign, while researching the boundaries of what is possible with Adobe Scripting language and InDesign. It recevied some attention.

German Sailors' Language Dictionary


Reviving an old public domain book. Through digitalization many old books are easily and freely available again today. The presentation though is typically pretty mediocre.

This is an attempt to honor the great content by presenting it in a proper way. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Seemannssprache.

Everyone loves Berlin


Map-based visualization of tourists in Berlin. After analyzing about 110000 geolocated photos from Berlin, I developed a custom method to determine the home country of every photographer.

Printed posters and an interactive tool can be used to explore and compare the data. Try Everyone loves Berlin